motorcycle clubs

What Does Nomad Mean in a Motorcycle Club?

What Does Nomad Mean in a Motorcycle Club?

There are many ranks in a motorcycle club (MC) , without which it is difficult for the club to operate smoothly. There is a Founder, President, Vice President, Sergeant at Arms, Road Captain, Secretary, and more.

You must not have heard the term “Nomad,” even if you are well aware of how MCs operate. Nomads aren’t common. This is the reason why most motorcyclists don’t know who they are in a motorcycle club and what their duties are. Continue reading this article to learn in detail about what Nomad means in a motorcycle club.

1. How a Nomad Is Seen by Other Chapters of a Motorcycle Club?

Nomads aren’t a part of a chapter. However, they are considered full members of the motorcycle club. They are respected by the members of the parent motorcycle club. He operates according to the rules and charter of the parent MC while acting as a solitary unit.

A Nomad may be invited by another chapter of an MC to appear in a meeting or an event. However, he cannot lead or direct other chapters.

2. Who Is a Nomad in a Motorcycle Club?

A Nomad is a member or a part of a motorcycle club not associated with any club chapter. This motorcycle club may or may not be an Outlaw motorcycle club. 

3. What Is the Most Important Role of a Nomad in an MC?

There is a reason why nomads in a motorcycle club exist independently without being a part of a chapter. Sometimes, members in a region are below the required number to form a chapter. Therefore, nomads are hired. They have some major responsibilities to perform in that area:

  • Promote the motorcycle club.
  • Promote the objectives and intent of the club.
  • Attract motorcyclists to join the club.
  • Establish a chapter.

While most nomads are tasked to form a chapter in their area, some also prefer to exist alone.

4. Who Can Wear a Nomad Patch?

Only a nomad can wear a nomad patch. If you are not a part of the motorcycle club, you must not wear a nomad patch, as it can be offensive and disrespectful. A nomad is not a part of a chapter, and he may choose to ride solo, but he is a full member of an MC.

5. A Nomad Patch/Rocker

The patch/rocker on the back of a nomad’s jacket is quite simple. It simply says: “Nomad”. Meanwhile, if you are a full-time member of a motorcycle club , you are required to wear a patch with the below information on it:

  • State
  • Province
  • Locale/City

6. Why Some Nomads Are Seen Negatively by the Members of the Motorcycle Club?

There is nothing wrong with becoming a nomad, and it is usually not considered a negative term. However, in some parts, MC members who leave the club because they don’t want to be part of it and want to become independent are considered “Nomads” as well.

Such nomads are not welcomed by other motorcycle clubs. Becoming a nomad by detaching yourself from the motorcycle club is a controversial move against the spirit of the motorcycle culture.

Motorcycle clubs are formed based on loyalty and sincerity. Therefore, leaving the group can adversely affect the motorcycle clubs’ subculture.

One can face several drawbacks if they leave the motorcycle club to go nomad. These include:

  • Loss of reputation and image in the motorcycle club culture.
  • Lack of belonging in the motorcycle community.
  • The sense of isolation will prevail.
  • You may not be accepted as a part of the community.
  • Lack of trust among other motorcycle clubs.
  • Lack of support from the motorcycle club you ditched.
  • You may face challenges and difficulties from the motorcycle club you left.

Note: Leaving a motorcycle club is never a good idea. It is not seen as a positive thing in the motorcycle club culture. However, if you have aged and find it challenging to ride a motorcycle, you must leave the group on a positive note.

7. What Are Some Common Reasons for a Biker to Go Nomad?

What Are Some Common Reasons for a Biker to Go Nomad?

8. The Bottom Line

Nomads are most often misunderstood as members of a motorcycle club who leave the MC and start operating alone. If you go nomad like this, you may lose your reputation in the motorcycle community and culture. Other motorcycle clubs will not trust you to be a part of them. You may also face tough times from the former club members.

However, in a real sense, a nomad is a member of a motorcycle club who operates solo in a region. This is because there is no chapter of a motorcycle club in that particular area.

If you want to ride solo, leave the motorcycle club on a good note. Follow the process of resigning or exiting a motorcycle club to ensure you are respected even after your departure.

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