Honda Valkyrie sissy bars are add-ons that help increase storage capacity, built with tall yet thin round bars that allow you to slip on baggage with straps. They can also function as a backrest for a passenger since the bars can cover enough surface area for the passenger to lean backward.
Honda Valkyrie handlebars are required motorcycle parts that are the only way to steer two-wheelers. They are at arm level and within reaching distance, allowing the riders to rest their wrists, arms, and shoulders.
Honda Valkyrie fairings are accessories that function as an extra set of armor for your motorcycle’s chassis, built from a bulky construct of ABS plastic and fiberglass. The windshield helps to filter incoming sunlight and prevents wind from blowing in your face.
Honda Valkyrie crash bars are attachments that form a wide metallic fence around the engine, preventing it from being smashed by other vehicles, stationary objects, and the road itself.
Honda Valkyrie luggage racks are another add-on that offers extra storage space, long and flat rectangular builds with a floor made up of several rungs. Fitted on top of Tour-Pack lids, they do require mounting straps to keep your luggage from sliding all over the place.
Honda Valkyrie seats are dense yet compact foam cushions that can support the weight of lighter and heavier riders. They can retain their shape, inflating back fully after weight has been removed. The Viking leather cover protecting the cushion can come with a plain, diamond, horizontal, or vertical stitch.
Honda backrest and pads have curved yet compact foam cushions that allow the rider or passenger to recline comfortably. The backrests have clamps on the back that make it possible to attach them to the sissy bars.
At Viking Bags, the following Valkyrie motorcycle parts should be available: parts for 1500 Valkyrie Interstate, parts for Interstate ABS, parts for 1500 Valkyrie Standard, and parts for 1500 Valkyrie Tourer. Not only are Viking Bags’ Honda Valkyrie parts made of high-quality materials but they also come at affordable prices.