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Harley Davidson Touring Road King FLHR/I Fairings


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Motorcycle Fairings for Harley Touring Road King

The Harley Davidson Road King is one of the models that has kept up with the standards of today’s world as it incorporates the latest technology and cutting-edge designs. If you wish to improve upon the framework of this motorcycle, you can add additional gear to better guard the front half of your vehicle. If you are wondering about what kind of extra motorcycle gear is being referred to, browse through this page to learn more about the features and design of the Harley Davidson Road King fairings.

Features of Harley Davidson Road King Fairings

Because you want gear that will last for a long time and will be able to hold up even when struck by flying debris, the Harley Road King fairings are constructed from high-quality ABS plastic. This material is weather-resistant, rustproof, and the shape helps the equipment be more aerodynamic. So to protect you from hazards that fly above the main structure of the fairings and would strike your face, the Davidson Road King fairings have a tinted windshield. The acrylic or plexiglass material is dark enough that sunlight will not blind you but still clear enough that you can make out and avoid any obstacles ahead.

Design of Harley Davidson Road King Fairings

Painted over with a glossy black finish, each of the Harley Davidson Road King fairings is attached securely to the front of your motorcycle thanks to the metal clamps on the back and the grooved yet hollow back that fits seamlessly. So long as your motorcycle headlight is 5 ¾ inches in diameter, it should be able to fit in the circular opening at the center of the fairings.

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